Schubert&Salzer 7020
Angle seat control valvePneumatic control valve with angle seat design. The integrated positioner type 8049 means that a compact design is achieved. All parts that come into contact with the medium are made from stainless steel.
Angle seat control valve
DN 8-80
PN 16-40
Stainless steel, Bronze, Messing
Media temperature: -30 °C to +200 °CApplicatons from -100°C up to +220°C
Whitworth pipe threadNPT threadWelding endsTri-clamp connectionSpecial connections
Available with electric or pneumatic actuator, integrated process controller (IPC), Ex and Hygienic version, etc
Schubert & Salzer
Biotechnology, Chemical, Boiler and Power Plants, CHP, Breweries, Building materials, Dairies, Distilleries, Food and Beverage, Forest, Pulp and Paper, Hospitals, Mining, Metallurgy, Oil&Gas, Refineries, Pharma and cosmetics, Pulp&Paper, Textile, Laundries, Timber, Pelletizing, Tire, rubber and plastic, Water and wastewater
Air, Gas, LPG, Vapours, Ammonia, nitrogen, Condensate, Superheated water, Ethanol, Bioethanol, Neutral and Agressive Liquids, Steam, Superheated steam, Water and Wastewater