

From the overall production process standpoint, Failsafe actuators represent a major challenge for SCHIEBEL. Greatest responsibility, reliability, and flexibility come together in the making of these actuators. The technology is based on an electric actuator with a purely mechanical safety function. In the event of a power outage or triggering of the safety function, the actuator moves into a preset position so that no hazards are posed to humans or the environment.

According to an externally-conducted FMEDA (Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Coverage Analysis), the Failsafe actuator achieves a safety integrity level of 3.

Failsafe actuators are generally adapted to customer requirements in terms of actuating force (operating torque), travel distances and positioning time characteristics in normal and failsafe operation.

Technical Overview

  • Available device connections as Profibus DP, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DeviceNet, Powerlink
  • Actuators for on-off (S2) and modulating control (S4)
  • ATEX compliant, explosion-proof actuators 
  • Voltages from 24 V DC to 400 V AC 3~
  • As part-turn actuators up to 32.000Nm
  • As linear actuators up to 190 kN with 230mm stroke
  • Adjustable speed/time
  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3
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País de origem


Setores industriais

Caldeiras e Centrais Elétricas, CHP, Cervejarias, Materiais de construção, Destilarias, Alimentos e Bebidas, Floresta, Celulose e Papel, Hospitais, Mineração, Metalurgia, Petróleo e Gás, Refinarias, Farmacêuticos e cosméticos, Têxtil, Lavanderias, Madeira, Pelotização, Pneu, borracha e plástico


Ar, Gás, GLP, Vapores, Betume, produtos petrolíferos, Água condensada, superaquecida, Crystallizing Fluidums, Etanol, Bioetanol, Produtos alimentícios, açúcar, pós, ervas, etc., GNL, Líquidos Neutros e Agressivos, Ore as copper, nickel, gold etc, Areia e materiais a granel, Serragem, Turfa, Celulose, Biomassa, etc., Vapor, vapor superaquecido, Óleo Térmico, Água e Águas Residuais