RTK HV 6291 / PV 6291 / PV 6291-E
Rapid action manual and pneumatic operated intermittent blowdown valveRTK HV 6291, PV 6291 and PV 6291-E are rapid action manual and pneumatic operated intermittent blowdown valves for steam boilers and vessels. The meaning of E marks angle version. Protection of spindle packing by back sealing.
Manual or pneumatic actuated intermittent blowdown valve
DN 20-65
PN 40, by request up to PN 160
Carbon Steel
up to 250 °C
Flange, Butt weld by request
Available with timer and 3/2 solenoid valve, limit switches, hand lever for manual operation
Biotecnologia, Química, Caldeiras e Centrais Elétricas, CHP, Cervejarias, Materiais de construção, Laticínios, Destilarias, Alimentos e Bebidas, Hospitais, Mineração, Metalurgia, Petróleo e Gás, Refinarias, Farmacêuticos e cosméticos, Celulose e Papel, Têxtil, Lavanderias, Madeira, Pelotização, Pneu, borracha e plástico, Água e Água Residual
Água condensada, superaquecida, Vapor, vapor superaquecido, Água e Águas Residuais