RTK MV 5174
Three-way control valve for thermal oil and other process liquidsElectric actuated three-way globe type control valve with bellow
DN 50, 65
PN 16
Ductile Iron
Metal bellow seal with safety stuffing box up to 350 °C
Class IV
24 / 115 / 230 VAC, 24 VDC
Flange, three-way design with shorter B flange
3 step control, I/O 0/4-20mA, 0/2-10V, Profibus DP, additional limit switches, hydraulic emergency closing unit, anti-condensation heater, integrated single loop PID controller
Biotecnologia, Química, Caldeiras e Centrais Elétricas, CHP, Materiais de construção, Alimentos e Bebidas, Mineração, Metalurgia, Petróleo e Gás, Refinarias, Celulose e Papel, Madeira, Pelotização
Betume, produtos petrolíferos, Água condensada, superaquecida, Vapor, vapor superaquecido, Óleo Térmico