PROFIBUS Pressure Transmitter SeriesProgramming and Diagnostics
LD300 Series are available in three different technologies: HART®(LD301), Foundation™ Fieldbus (LD302) and PROFIBUS PA (LD303).
These instruments can be configured with SMAR software and other manufacturer configuration tools.
Local adjustment is available in all LD300 Series. It is possible to configure zero and span, totalization, set point and other control functions using the magnetic screwdriver.
SMAR has developed Asset View, which is a user-friendly Web Tool that can be accessed anywhere and anytime using an Internet browser. It is designed for management and diagnostics of field devices to ensure reactive, preventive, predictive and proactive maintenance.
Profibus – LD303
LD303 (PROFIBUS PA protocol) can be configured using Simatic PDM and by the FDT (Field Device Tool) and DTM (Device Type Manager) concept tools, such as Fieldcare and Pactware. It can also be integrated by any PROFIBUS System using the GSD file.
PROFIBUS PA also has quality and diagnostic information, improving plant management and maintenance.
SMAR Device Library CD contains several libraries that will be used in the integration of the SMAR equipments in several applications (of different communication protocols as: HART, Profibus and Foundation FieldBus).