A+R Armaturen KHL 510 Series
High performance soft and metal seated ball valvesAvailable with manual, pneumatic, electric or electric fail safe actuators.
High performance split body floating full bore ball valve
DN 15-150, 1/2“-6
PN 10-40, ANSI 150-600
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
up to 260 °C
PTFE, Peak, Metal
Fire safe, locking device, stem extensions, TAG labels, etc
A+R Armaturen
Biotechnology, Chemical, Boiler and Power Plants, CHP, Breweries, Dairies, Distilleries, Mining, Metallurgy, Oil&Gas, Refineries, Pharma and cosmetics, Pulp&Paper, Tire, rubber and plastic, Water and wastewater
Air, Gas, LPG, Vapours, Ammonia, nitrogen, Bitumen, Petroleum products, Condensate, Superheated water, Ethanol, Bioethanol, Neutral and Agressive Liquids, Steam, Superheated steam, Water and Wastewater