Thermostatic Steam TrapL21S and L32S are very sensible and compact thermostatic steam traps with built-in strainer. L21SC and L32SC have additionally integrated check valve. It’s a perfect type for air venting in steam systems.
Thermostatic steam trap with X-element (capsule membrane) and fail-open design
DN 15-25 (1/2″ – 1″)
DIN PN 16-40 / ANSI 150-300
Cast Steel, Stainless Steel
up to 32
up to 780
Media temperature: up to 240°C
Screw-end (BSP), Socket weld, Flange
Heaters, Dryers, Tracing lines, Air vents in steam systems
Biotecnologia, Química, Caldeiras e Centrais Elétricas, CHP, Cervejarias, Materiais de construção, Laticínios, Destilarias, Alimentos e Bebidas, Hospitais, Mineração, Metalurgia, Petróleo e Gás, Refinarias, Farmacêuticos e cosméticos, Celulose e Papel, Têxtil, Lavanderias, Madeira, Pelotização, Pneu, borracha e plástico
Vapor, vapor superaquecido