A+R Armaturen KHF 710 Series
High performance soft and metal seated ball valvesAvailable with manual, pneumatic, electric or electric fail safe actuators.
High performance split body floating and trunnion full bore ball valve
DN 15-350 (1/2″-14″), by request up to DN 300 (12“)
PN 10-40 / ANSI 150-900, by request up to PN 420 / ANSI 2500
1.4408/CF8M, 1.0619/WCB, 1.4404/316L, 1.4308/CF8, 1.4571/316Ti, Duplex, Hastelloy, Monel
Temperature range: -50°C to +650°C, by request down to -195°C
PTFE, Peak, Metal
Fire safe, locking device, stem extensions, TAG labels, full trunnion, double block and bleed, cryogenic, ATEX, special coatings etc
A+R Armaturen
Biotecnologia, Química, Caldeiras e Centrais Elétricas, CHP, Cervejarias, Laticínios, Destilarias, Mineração, Metalurgia, Petróleo e Gás, Refinarias, Farmacêuticos e cosméticos, Celulose e Papel, Pneu, borracha e plástico, Água e Água Residual
Ar, Gás, GLP, Vapores, Amônia, nitrogênio, Betume, produtos petrolíferos, Água condensada, superaquecida, Etanol, Bioetanol, Líquidos Neutros e Agressivos, Vapor, vapor superaquecido, Água e Águas Residuais