Smart Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20 mA + HARTProgramming and Diagnostics
TT300 Series are available in three different technologies: HART®(TT301), FOUNDATION FieldbusTM (TT302) and PROFIBUS PA (TT303). These instruments can be configured with Smar software and other manufacturer configuration tools. Local adjustment is available in all TT300 Series. It is possible to configure zero and span, set point and other control functions using the magnetic screwdriver. Smar has developed Asset View, which is a user-friendly Web Tool that can be accessed anywhere and anytime using an Internet browser. It is designed for management and diagnostics of field devices to ensure reactive, preventive, predictive and proactive maintenance.
The Smar TT301 is a powerful and extremely versatile programmable temperature transmitter, which can be used with practically all relevant temperature sensors as well as with load cells, resistance position indicators, etc. The TT301 transmitter is suitable for direct field installation, being weather and explosion proof as well as intrisically safe.
As the same unit can be used for different measuring ranges and many types of sensors, the plant can be standardized using the TT301 in measurements where different types of conventional (analog) transmitters were previously necessary. This drastically reduces calibration and maintenance time, spare part requirements and trainning. It also allows the TT301 to be purchased before measurement and control parameters are known.
TT301 (HART® protocol) can be configured by:
- Smar DEVCODROID for Windows and UNIX;
- Smar DEVCODROID for Windows and UNIX;
- Smar HI331 e PC Windows for several models of Palms*;
Other manufacturers’ configuration tools based on DD (Device Description) or DTM (Device Type Manager), such as AMSTM, FieldCareTM, PACTwareTM, HHT275, HHT375 and PRM Device Viewer. For management and diagnostics, AssetView ensures continuous information monitoring.
*Requires HI311 (HART Serial Interface).