MoistTech CCS3000
The CCS3000F is nr. 1 online NIR Moisture Analyzer for the chemical and mineral industry for instant, non-contact measurement in most complicated and difficult manufacturing environments.
Min 0.01%, Max 97%
10–40 cm (4–16 in)
Three self-powered isolated 4-20mA outputs, RS-232/485, Ethernet TCP/IP
Profibus, Profinet, DeviceNet, Ethernet IP
80–260 VAC (50/60 Hz), Optional 24VDC
Integrated temperature sensor, snorkel sampler (measure into the conveyor wall), for Ex enviroment, bulk&powder sampler cup (measure of falling material), internal block hetaer (for low temperature operation conditions), IP67 etc
Coal, oil shale, iron ore, nickel, gold, ceramic, chemicals, clay, fly ash, sand, sinter mix, talc, concrete, clay, minerals, gypsum, explosives, bauxite etc.
Belt, Screw, Drag & Enclosed Conveyors, Chutes, Cyclones & Bins, Dryer In/Out, Pipeline or Pneumatic Conveying using our Flange window or Sampler options.
Food Products, Sugar, Powders, Herbs, etc, Ore as copper, nickel, gold etc, Sand and Bulk materials, Sawdust, Peat, Cellulose, Biomass, etc
Biotechnology, Chemical, Boiler and Power Plants, CHP, Breweries, Building materials, Dairies, Food and Beverage, Mining, Metallurgy, Oil&Gas, Refineries, Pharma and cosmetics, Pulp&Paper, Textile, Laundries, Timber, Pelletizing, Tire, rubber and plastic, Water and wastewater